CL Pool
Add liquidity
Users can select Crypto Pool in the All Pool page and see all Crypto Pool information.
Click the Add Liquidity button.
Set the price range (click the token to switch the price display, click the full range button to default to the 0-∞ range).
Enter the number of tokens.
The amount of another token will be automatically calculated.
Click the Deposit button.
Liquidity added successfully.
Manage liquidity
If you have already added liquidity, you can select Crypto Pool on the My Liquidity page to see all existing positions.
Attention: If you have removed all of the liquidity, the position will still be displayed. You can click on the "Hide closed positions" button to see all positions with liquidity.
Click the Manage button.
On the overview page, you can see the user's liquidity in the current position and unclaimed fees. Click on the Claim button to claim the fees you earned.
On the Add Liquidity page, you can enter the number of tokens to add liquidity.
Attention: It is not possible to change the price range at this time. If you need to set a new price range, please go to the All pool page.
On the Remove Liquidity page, you can withdraw liquidity proportionally.
Attention: When you remove liquidity, the unclaimed reward fees will also be withdrawn and can be viewed in your wallet.
Liquidity removal successfully.
Last updated