Stableswap Pool

Add liquidity

  1. Users can select Stable Pool in the All Pool page and see the information of all Stable Pools.

  1. Click the Add Liquidity button.

  1. Enter the number of tokens.

  2. Click the Deposit button.

  3. Liquidity added successfully.

  4. Click the Stake button to stake LP tokens.

  1. You can also choose deposit&stake, which will complete the operation in 4-6 steps in one step.

Remove liquidity

  1. If you have already added liquidity, you can select Crypto Pool on the My Liquidity page to see all existing positions.

  1. Click the Manage button.

  2. On the withdraw page, click Unstake to withdraw the staked LP tokens.

Attention: You can see the user's liquidity in the current position and unclaimed fees. Click on the Claim button to claim the fees you earned.

  1. On the withdraw page, click Withdraw to get back the corresponding principal with LP tokens.

Attention: When you remove liquidity, the unclaimed reward fees will also be withdrawn and can be viewed in your wallet.

  1. Liquidity removal successfully.

Last updated